23 Oct 2018

SIMPLA was presented at the EUROCITIES Environment Forum meeting ‘Low emission cities for cleaner air and climate mitigation’ that took place in Tampere (Finland) from 17 to 19 October 2018. During the thematic session titled ‘Cutting emissions in the energy, transport, and building sectors’ , Mr Fabio Morea from Area Science Park illustrated the SIMPLA guidelines for the harmonization of energy and mobility planning as a useful tool local authorities can use to better plan their energy and mobility policies in an integrated and consistent way. The focus of the EUROCITIES Environment Forum was precisely to improve understanding of the links between air pollution, climate change and public health, exploring different scenarios for the designing of integrated policies delivering local benefits for people and health. The SIMPLA guidelines can contribute to this goal, thanks to the methodology they provide to align sectoral policies in the energy and mobility fields.